*PasaL PuterY*

My photo
Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
~15 years old ~PMR candidates 2010(batch'95) ~stay Batu Pahat,Johor ~putry_sagi95@yahoo.com~ym,ms,fs..sile2 la add k ~puteri2311@gmail.com~fb

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tag dr Aien

Nie nk jwb 2 tag dr aien..thanks coz tag me..
Here we go..

1.What's your initial?
+ P & U

2.What's is your favourite food?
+ Sume bedal..hehe

3.What's your hair colour?
+ Of course black lar

4.What's your hair colour?
+ Black also

5.Are you fall in love now?
+ Emm..maybe kot..

6.Who she/he?
+ X ley tau

7.Does she/he know that?
+ don't know

8.What's your favourite colour?
+ Purple,pink and red

9.What's your favourite choco brand?
+ Cadbury
+ Kinder bueno

10.Do you like ice-cream?
+ yup..ske sgt

11.What's flavour?
+ Strawberry
+ Choco

12.Did you cried lately?
+ no

13.Have a problem?
+ x de

14.The song you listened now?
+ Melayang..best plak lgu nie

15.4 people to tag.
+ spe2 ley amek tag nie


1.Apakah cita2 anda apabila sudah dewasa?
- Doktor kot

2.Mengapa anda hendak menjadi......apabila dewasa?
- ntah la tp tkut ngan hospital..heheh

3.Siapakah artis yang anda minat?
- Avril Lavigne
- Miley Cyrus
- Dato Siti Nurhaliza
- Almy Nadia
- Letto
- Rmai ag la

4.Rancangan tv apa yang anda suka tonton?
- Obsesi
- Big is Beautiful
- Citra tv2
- Disney Film

5.Antara lima benda ni,mana yang anda suka?
* Rantai
* Subang/anting2
* Gelang
* Cincin
* Sepit rambut

- Sume ske but sepit rambut emm kureng cket

6.Tag 5 orang yang anda yakin die akan jawab.
- Intan - http://www.intanzzz.blogspot.com
- Mia - http://www.mia-diaries.blogspot.com
- Riri - http://www.cupcake-riri.blogspot.com
- Mira - http://www.mirahappytime.blogspot.com
- spe2 je la

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